Tagged: Scrabble


You might have gathered by now: I am quite faddy.

That’s FADDY.

YES IT’S A WORD. The red squiggly line of doom may have just appeared beneath it as I typed but the WordPress dictionary is BOGUS – it doesn’t even recognise the word blogger, for cryin’ out loud.

And faddy IS a word, I just checked it on the internet, and the internet doesn’t lie.

It means, like, to be susceptible to transitory whims, innit. Case in point: me and loom bands.

I have not made a loom band in WEEKS. I was, yer honour, totally susceptible to that transitory whim.

But my NEW fad (and there is ALWAYS a new fad) is: online Scrabble (otherwordgamesareavailable).

YES FOLKS. I am currently crushing on Scrabble.

Scrabble is GREAT, right? I mean, I’m pretty good at it, so I like it and think it’s great. But objectively, it is GREAT. It expands your vocabulary. It forces you to think (always helpful). It exercises your competitive muscle – which, in my case, it could be argued, is a BAD thing, but those people beat me in a competition and they’re dead now.

I am a terrible loser. Me throwing a Monopoly board across the room after a particularly unfruitful game (for me, specifically) is part of family legend. No one plays Monopoly with me any more. I don’t blame them. I am a sore loser, and I admit it.

With Scrabble, though, I have a damn good shot at winning. I know words. I know lots of words. And I’m learning new words and RETAINING them in my brain, so I can use them in future games and WHIP THE ASS off my opponent.

Did you know, for example, that BEAUISH is a word? Well it is. The red squiggly line of doom is there again, but SUCKS TO BE YOU, WORDPRESS, because the Collins dictionary says BEAUISH is a word and it scored me a lot of points.

Also, WAQF is a word. WAQF.

Yes. WAQF.


It’s a word, a real life word. I looked it up. It’s an ‘inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law’, yes siree. It’s also a BLOODY GOOD WORD to get in Scrabble, especially if you hit a triple word score.

WAQF. Go figure.

It helps, as well, to memorise a lot of 2 and 3 letter words for use with deadly accuracy when you haven’t got a motherfricking clue what else to put on the board. ZA, ZO, QI, QIN, JA, and JO have helped me out rather a lot in recent weeks. I don’t even know what they mean. I don’t care, as long as I’m winning.

Anyway, I’m enjoying this current fad more than I can express, namely because I am victorious on fairly frequent occasions and it’s a great way to avoid doing any actual writing, because I can fool myself that it’s ‘educational’. Haha (also allowed).

Hoping IOABIFN is a word

Hoping IOABIFN is a word

OK, the downsides? Like I mentioned, it’s seriously getting in the way of me doing any real writing (as well as housework, socialising, parenting etc) and it’s best not to play anyone you actually know, because my boyfriend challenged me to a game and then he won, the git, and now he’s on my Kill List and I’m really gutted because I like him A LOT.

Yeah. I’m a terrible loser.

But this is just a fad, it’ll go away soon… right?

Oh and in case you’re wondering, my best word (so far) is REINDEER for 122 points, and my best game (so far) is 450 points.

Are you a Scrabble fan? And can you beat WAQF for most random actual word ever?